A painless, 5-minute and nonsurgical solution to aggravating hemorrhoids.
Mild hemorrhoids tend to heal on their own. But if you’ve tried everything, including creams, warm baths and a high-fiber diet, and nothing has helped, then it’s time to look for a permanent solution. Hemorrhoid banding is a nonsurgical answer to your discomfort.
Hemorrhoids vary in location and size, but our specialists have seen — and treated — them all.
A hemorrhoid is a swollen vein that protrudes from the inner or outer wall of your anus. In most people, they cause pain, itching and burning, and they can stain your toilet paper bright red after wiping. Home hemorrhoid treatments rarely offer a long-term fix. That’s because they only treat the symptoms, rather than addressing the hemorrhoid itself. Hemorrhoid banding targets the source of your discomfort to provide you relief.
Hemorrhoid banding only takes minutes, and you can return to work right after the procedure.
Using a special applicator, we’ll place a small rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid, restricting its blood supply. This doesn’t cause pain because there aren’t any nerves at the base of the hemorrhoid. Over the next few days, the hemorrhoid will shrink and eventually fall off during a bowel movement. You may not even notice it!
The procedure only takes a few minutes, can be performed in a doctor’s office and allows you to return to your life immediately. Plus, our specialists and staff will provide you with a comfortable, professional experience. We understand the sensitive nature of this condition, and we’ll make every accommodation necessary to ensure your privacy.
To schedule an appointment or learn more about how Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio specializes in hemorrhoid banding in the San Antonio communities of Medical Center, Stone Oak, Northeast, Westover Hills, Boerne or Bulverde, call 210.614.1234 today. You can also request an appointment online here.
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