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What Does Heartburn Feel Like? How to Know.

What does heartburn feel like

What does heartburn feel like? Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus from the stomach. The sensation of heartburn can vary among individuals. Still, it is typically described as a burning discomfort or pain in the center of the chest, behind the breast bone, or in the upper abdomen.

Heartburn can be concerning, and it can sometimes be challenging to know if the sensation you’re experiencing is heartburn or something else that could be more serious. Here are some common characteristics of heartburn and how to know if that is what you are experiencing.

Burning Sensation

Most people with heartburn describe it as a burning feeling that starts in the center of the chest and radiates up into the throat. The burning sensation is usually felt behind the breastbone or in the upper abdomen and is commonly accompanied by pressure or tightness.

Sour or Acidic Taste

Some people with heartburn may experience a sour or acidic taste. This often occurs when lying down or bending over and is caused by stomach acid traveling up into the esophagus from the stomach.

Pain After Eating

Heartburn symptoms may worsen after eating, especially after eating a large meal. Eating a large meal causes your stomach to stretch and puts pressure on the sphincter muscle located between the stomach and esophagus. The sphincter muscle usually works to keep stomach acid inside the stomach, but it can become weak and allow the acid to flow back up into the esophagus.

Worsened by Certain Foods

Certain foods can make heartburn symptoms more severe. Trigger foods can vary depending on the individual, but common foods that can lead to heartburn include spicy or fatty foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, caffeine, or carbonated drinks.

Regurgitation or Vomiting

In addition to the burning sensation and sour or bitter taste in the mouth, some people may even vomit due to their heartburn symptoms. Vomiting that occurs with heartburn is not usually accompanied by nausea.

Symptoms Are Worse When Laying Down

Laying down flat can often worsen heartburn symptoms. This is because when you lay down, stomach acid can easily travel up the esophagus, which causes a burning sensation to occur in the chest.

Chest Pressure or Tightness

Heartburn can often be mistaken for something more serious, like a heart-related issue, because the heartburn sensation can feel like chest pressure or tightness. Although the chest pressure associated with heartburn is harmless, it is important to note that a problem with the heart could cause chest pressure or tightness and should be properly evaluated by your doctor.

Take Control of Your Heartburn Today

Although heartburn can be a common symptom, severe or persistent heartburn could indicate something more serious. If you are experiencing heartburn frequently and it interferes with your daily routine, speak to your doctor today to find out if medication may help reduce your symptoms and ensure your symptoms are not caused by something more serious.

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